“Virtues are formed by prayer. Prayer preserves temperance. Prayer suppresses anger. Prayer prevents emotions of pride and envy. Prayer draws into the soul the Holy Spirit, and raises man to Heaven.”
-Saint Ephraem of Syria

Saint of the Day

Pope John Paul II

Clock 1 minute

The Scapular

A sign of faith and of belonging to Mary

Clock 3 minutes

Morning Offering

Start your day by giving everything to God

Clock Less than 1 minute

Guardian Angel

Ask your Guardian Angel to guide you

Clock Less than 1 minute

Gospel of the Day

Daily scripture readings from the Gospel

Clock 1 - 2 minutes

The Angelus

Devotion commemorating the Incarnation

Clock 2 minutes

Divine Mercy Chaplet

Enter into the abundant Mercy of God

Clock 10 minutes


Seek the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Clock Less than 1 minute

St Joseph Memorare

Entrust yourself to St Joseph’s paternal care

Clock Less than 1 minute

The Magnificat

Also known as the Song of Mary

Clock Less than 1 minute

Act of Faith

Invoke the virtues of Faith, Hope, Charity

Clock Less than 1 minute

Holy Souls Prayer

Prayers for the holy souls in purgatory

Clock 1 minute

The Holy Rosary

Within this prayer lies the story of our salvation

Clock 15 minutes


Nine days of prayer and spiritual devotion

Clock 5 minutes per day

St Bridget

Honouring the wounds of Christ

Clock 15 minutes

7 Sorrows Rosary

Console the Sorrowful Heart of Mary

Clock 7 - 15 minutes


A litany consists of a number of petitions

Clock 5 minutes

Lorica of Saint Patrick

A prayer for might strength

Clock 3 minutes

Prayer before Work

A prayer for a good and holy work day

Clock Less than 1 minute

Prayer for the Sick

A prayer for those who are suffering

Clock Less than 1 minute

Prayer to St Michael

A prayer for spiritual protection

Clock Less than 1 minute

Deliverance Prayers

Powerful prayers for spiritual healing

Clock 4 minutes

Personal Prayers

In conversation with God

Clock As long as you need

Prayers for England

Mary, look down in mercy upon England

Clock 2 minutes

Holy Spirit Prayer

Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful

Clock Less than 1 minute

Night Prayer

Night prayer calm the spirit and purify the soul

Clock Less than 1 minute